Events & Announcements


Veteran Suicide Prevention Training for Florida’s Veteran Service Professionals


Dear Veteran Service Professional:


In October 2022, The Fire Watch was awarded a grant by the State of Florida to provide veteran suicide prevention training to all Veteran Claims Examiners (VCEs) and County Veteran Service Officers (CVSOs) across the state. Now called the Florida Veteran Overwatch Program, The Fire Watch and its partners -  Florida LEADS Zero Suicide Project, PsychArmor, and the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic - will hold in-person training sessions at 8 locations across Florida. Participants will learn to recognize suicidal behavior, de-escalate crisis situations, and direct at-risk veterans to care and support.


This program is sponsored by the Florida Department of Veterans' AffairsEvery VCE and CVSO is asked to attend one of the sessions listed below, preferably one nearest you. Each session is scheduled for a Friday, begins at 8:30 am, and ends promptly at 2:30 pm.  This training is free of charge. Breakfast, lunch, and training materials will be provided to all participants. Travel and other costs will be the responsibility of your State or County office.

West Palm, April 7- Click here :


Gainesville, April 21 - Click here :


Bay Pines, May 12 - Click here :


Miami-Dade, TBD (either May 26 or June 9) – Click here:

To John, Ron, and Rod,

Your guidance has been invaluable to me as we put together our Vietnam project.  I want to pass along three key items:  I hope you and your fellow Vietnam vets can join us on March 25th on the USS Orleck.   It’s a Saturday at 3 pm.   Free BBQ.   And an opportunity to stand together and be part of our documentary!  Please look at the first attachment.  Could you share this through your email channels?

Also, the second attachment invites families and vets themselves to send in pictures so we can honor our Vietnam veterans on the news and online.  It’s easy. Just email the photo and tell us a bit about the veteran.

 We will be devoting 14 nights on the evening news to honoring local Vietnam veterans.  The stories begin March 27thand run every night at 6 through April 13th.  Then on April 13th you can watch our Voice of Bravery, an hour-long documentary on WJXX- ABC 25 at 7pm.

 I welcome your thoughts.  How would you suggest I get the word out?

Thank you so much.  We are trying our best to pay tribute and teach about the Vietnam War. Already five local high schools have signed up to show the documentary to their students.

Jeannie Blaylock, Anchor/Reporter

Follow @JeannieBlaylock on Twitter

FIRST COAST NEWS | WTLV NBC 12 | WJXX ABC 25 | C: 904-361-8289

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act 

Evaluating and Understanding

the Benefits with Answers to

Frequently Asked Questions

Ensuring You Understand the “Offset”  

The U.S. Government has recently confirmed the troubling news about toxicants at Camp Lejeune, confirming what many have suspected for decades. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act applies to military personnel, their families, and civilians who were exposed to the toxic water supply for at least 30 days between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987. Exposure to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune has caused multiple forms of cancer, neurological disorders, miscarriage, and death, among other injuries. Since the passage of the PACT Act in August, mass-tort firms all over the country have been saturating the airwaves with advertising offering speedy settlements with no strings attached.

Vietnam Veterans of America and Bergmann & Moore have worked together for nearly 20 years to provide effective legal representation for veterans (at no cost) who have VA disability benefits claims pending in federal court. Since 2010, Bergmann & Moore has successfully represented over 1,100 VVA members and their families in disability appeal claims.

Recently, Vietnam Veterans of America and B&M expanded their long-standing association to include the historic Camp Lejeune Justice Act.

Although the Camp Lejeune Justice Act potentially offers significant benefits to veterans and their families, these benefits need to be carefully evaluated by a firm that understands VA disability benefits, as the law contains an offset.

We are not a mass tort firm. We are VA disability benefits attorneys who have represented Veterans, widows, and families for 19 years.

Bergmann & Moore is working with Vietnam Veterans of America to ensure veterans and their families understand the offset and will work to ensure a CLJA benefit is not accepted before the claimant understands whether (and to what degree) VA disability benefits or care may be affected.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Bergmann & Moore and the Service Project

Q: Is Bergmann and Moore accredited by VA?

A: Yes. Bergmann and Moore is managed by former VA attorneys who are accredited by VA.

Q: Will VA benefits I have received reduce an award under the Camp Lejeune Act?

A: The language of the CLJA indicates that there will be some sort of offset. It’s unclear at this time what that offset will be, however. It appears very likely that an award received under the CLJA will be reduced by the amount of VA disability benefits received pursuant to presumptions of in-service chemical exposure at Camp Lejeune. The extent to which this will happen is unknown, however.

Q: Will an award made under the Camp Lejeune Act reduce my monthly VA benefits payments?

A: The short answer is that no one knows right now. This is our greatest worry, however – in fact it’s why Bergmann & Moore decided we had to be involved in this litigation.

Q: What will Bergmann & Moore do to help prevent my VA and other benefits from being reduced by an award made under the Camp Lejeune Act?

A: Although the offset rules aren’t even known yet, we’re already working with a national firm to create an algorithm to give our clients notice about potential reductions in other benefits they receive. We will also use our experience in VA disability benefits law (we have been devoted to representing veterans and their families for over 20 years) to make sure our clients know of any risks to their current or future VA disability benefits that could occur.

Q: Can I file a VA claim and a (CLJA) tort case?

A: Yes. Bergmann & Moore encourages veterans to file both. To file a VA claim, please reach out to your Vietnam Veterans of America representative.

Q: I have a family member who died at CL. Can I file on their behalf?

A: Yes, survivors and loved ones may also bring suit.

Q: What are attorney fees and costs related to a CLJA claim?

A: We are in support of action by Congress or the Court to reduce the rate that can be charged by any firm. We believe veterans shouldn’t be charged unreasonable legal fees – especially ones with added “costs” that can easily amount to over 50 percent of a veteran’s award. Our legal fee is, therefore, 33⅓ percent. Not only is this fee well below the going rate, but we will charge no costs on top of that fee.

Q: When did I need to have been at Camp Lejeune?

A: August 1, 1953 - December 31, 1987

Q: Who can I contact?

A: Marc McCabe at

Q: Where can I learn more?

A: For more information please visit: or call 727-742-3188.

Meet Marc L. McCabe

Bergmann & Moore’s

Camp Lejeune Spokesperson


Vietnam Veterans of America Liasion

Marc served in Vietnam with the 1st Battalion 5th Marines, 1st Marine Divi- sion FMF, before being assigned to India Co. 3rd Battalion 9th Marines 3rd Marine Division FMF Vietnam, later serving with Delta Company 3rd Force Recon and later with 2-1-2 2nd CAG 3rd MAF. He also served afloat with 3/9 BLT as well with 34 MAU and 31st MEU during his career. Among his decorations are the Combat Action Ribbon USMC Device, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal with 4 Bronze star devices and USMC Device, Republic of Vietnam Service Medal, Cross of Gallantry (individual award) with Silver Star, Cross of Gallantry with Palm, The US Army Presidential Unit Citation, FMF BADGE, Republic of Vietnam Civic Action Medal, and the Presidential Unit Citation (Navy), among others.

Marc has represented over 7,300 veterans before the Board of Veterans Appeal (BVA). He continues to be an advocate for veterans’ issues, serving on numerous state and national committees.